Study Shows Yoga Effective in Managing SUI

It is certainly very encouraging to note that there are now more alternatives available in the management of the very common pelvic floor disorders, especially stress urinary incontinence (SUI). This should benefit the millions of women who suffer from these conditions and who may not be comfortable with medications or surgical procedures. 
Gradually being accepted by healthcare providers and patients is Yoga, an ancient art that originated from India. As one of the recognized complementary and alternative therapies (CAT), patients suffering from conditions such as diabetes, cancer, heart-related problems, and joint disorders have been found to benefit from the practice of Yoga. As a treatment or as a preventive measure for POP and SUI, it is only lately that this type of CAT has gained prominence. 
Studies on Yoga 
Although there may not be that many research works on the medical advantages of Yoga, positive outcomes have been reported by the few studies that have been carried out. Just recently, results of a study on the effectiveness of Yoga as treatment for SUI was presented during the annual meeting of the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynocologist (ACOG). 
This study involved women who were over 40 years of age and diagnosed with urinary incontinences, with at least seven episodes of leakage in one week. All 19 subjects were taught behavioral techniques while those composing the study group were asked to do Yoga at least one session per week for a period of six weeks. A huge 50 percent reduction in urinary incontinence episodes was experienced by women who practiced Yoga, according to the results of the study. 
Benefits of Yoga  
By strengthening and relaxing the muscles that cause the involuntary release of urine, this ancient art may benefit greatly the SUI sufferer, practitioners of Yoga have claimed. The pelvic floor muscles, which are composed of various muscles and ligaments, provide the necessary support to the bladder and other pelvic organs. Once these muscles are weakened, damaged, or stretched due to a number of reasons, a woman may start experiencing urinary incontinence or an organ prolapse. 
It has been shown that regular practice of Yoga provides the same therapeutic effects as that of Kegel exercises. The various routines done in Yoga were believed to have allowed the muscles that have been weakened or stretched to regain their strength. As a result of the breathing exercises, these muscles may also be significantly improved. The controlled breathing pattern followed in Yoga allows the practitioner to relax her tight and tense pelvic floor muscles which have been associated with SUI episodes. 
Especially with the controversy surrounding surgical options, such as the vaginal mesh surgery, millions of women expected to acquire this life-changing condition may definitely benefit with the development of non-invasive alternative therapies such as Yoga. The need for these surgeries, which have resulted to severe complications, may not be required anymore. Serious injuries have been sustained due to these mesh implants which have compelled thousands of women to seek settlement for their vaginal mesh lawsuits against different mesh manufacturers.
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